Labels:bulletin board | dialog box | monitor | plant | road | shelf | sky | stairs | web site | window OCR: Profilo Setup: My C-Documerts and SellinosSwct BackMy Flest Destination C:Documents nd SeltingSyn BackMy Fie Bac Click to viewa tree view of your files Inckude sub-dreclories andther file Simple AdvancedCopy/Delete Sub-directories Easy apow Profile Se ttings Tabs I want more tabs will appear when you select Backup the source drectorie fles, but not ny o sub-drect Expert Mode Backup the tource drectories fles inckuding allits sub-drectories Backup the source drectorie: files, including som sub-d to carry Choose the task you'd like Syncheonise the soutCe drectories files with the destination out bu selecting but ton on left Synchronise the source drectorie files and sub-drectories Adet tailed: description of your Profile Synchronise the SOUCe drectories files rd some ofis sub-dire Settings w ...